The unfinished coffee and love!

Early 1970s and a breezy Saturday evening. ‘Ding Dong’, went the bell at the entrance of the coffee shop as I was anxiously waiting with a single rose, rehearsing on how to express my love. She came in with her usual bright smile. Her red lipsticks were not allowing me take my eyes off her as she quickly entered the coffee shop and sat opposite to me.

Her apologetic look said 1000 sorries for coming late. I wouldn’t mind it as that gave me some more time to get ready to propose her. This was my first love, and I seriously needed that much time to get ready.

Still my voice was staggering and I was finding it difficult to start. But she looked bold and confident. That huge smile with that red lipstick made it easier for her to get any conversation started.

I’ve known her from my college days and she was a very straight forward person. Three years after college, she still remained the same bold, straight forward and brave woman.

She was holding an envelope on her hand. For a long time, I was wondering what it would be. ‘Is it a love letter? Is it some job offer letter which she recently got? Is it a greeting card?’, all these questions circled through my mind. I felt like the rose which I hid under the table was urging me to propose quickly.

Before I could start, the waiter interrupted us,” What would you like to have, sir and madam?”. “Is Expresso fine?”,she asked me. Though I love cappucino, I agreed for an expresso.

As the expresso arrived quickly, we started taking a few sips. I decided to break the ice, but before I could take the rose out, she said, “I have a surprise for you”. That puzzled me and took me back.

” Excited” , I said. She gave me the envelope and asked me to open it. It was a wedding invitation. Yes, she was getting married.

Now, its 2023. Here I am, at the same coffee shop. This time as the owner of the shop. Yes, now I am 75 and I own a coffee shop chain that runs throughout the country. But this remains the first and my favourite outlet.

Suddenly, there was a strange feeling inside me. It felt like the air around was trying to tell me something. Suddenly, the bell at the entrance went ‘ding dong’ again. There, an old woman entered into the coffee shop. With that smell of perfume, I guessed that it has to be her. “Leena?”, I asked her. She gave me a hug and we went to the same table. I had placed mini bronze statues of an unfinished coffee cup, an envelope and a single rose on that very table.

On seeing all those statues, she figured out what I was about to tell her on that day. A tear rolled down her cheek as she asked me, “Is it what I think, Ben?”.

I couldn’t control my tears as I hugged her tightly. Some things are destined not to happen. Maybe our love was one of them.

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