Episode 7

How My Life Changed

“We met at the same tea shop! Coincidentally, the same song was playing on the same radio. We boarded the train, the train started with a jerk. It was December 31. Right at 12 in the night, she took out two rings from her bag. We exchanged rings. I still couldn’t believe how my life changed so fast.  Within seconds, I got married, that too right on the New year’s first minute. It felt like a dream.

When it was 12.15, all that I heard was a thundering hit. The train that was crossing us had derailed and crashed right into ours. That is all that I remember. I woke up at a hospital, on a wheel chair, surrounded by my friends. I inquired about Renu, they said that she was no more. I told them not to inform my home about my whereabouts and asked my friends to tell that I died in the train accident and my body was not found.

I returned to Bombay. Each and every day felt like hell. Years rolled on. One day I met you, Karthika. You came to me crying that your parents had abandoned you and you had nowhere to go. Somehow, your face reminded me of my Renu. I was moved by that. I took you to my room in Bombay. To feed you, I realised that I needed a job. I used my IIT degree and got a high paying job.

Then I started this home for kids and elders who needed help in their life. Now here we are, all as a single family. I have you, Tarun, Kavin, and a lot more grandchildren. I live for you!”, completed Karthik. As he completed, he placed a bouquet near Renu’s tomb. A drop of water rolled off his cheeks, but his grandchildren wiped it off and that brought back Karthik’s widened smile.

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