Episode 6

A Long Break!

“After that trip, we both were at home and I tried to text her, but got no reply! Day by day, my anxiety increased and I also tried calling her several times, but got no response. That moment when you know that you are being punished, but you don’t know what is the mistake that you have committed is cruel! And yes, I was in such a cruel state.

Her silence continued for almost two years! I still couldn’t overcome her memories, even though I tried a lot! One fine day, I got a call from her and as soon as I saw her name, I picked it up and thrashed a few words at her. I was so angry on her! The I calmed myself down and immediately apologised. 

All these times I was scolding her, she never said a word. Finally, she said, ‘Will you marry me?’. I was shaking a bit on hearing that. Then I replied, ‘why not?’. Till date, I don’t know why I had accepted it. It was a life changing decision and I followed what my heart said.

She said that there was a surprise and told to book two tickets for that same Chennai Express. I did that. I did not know what was coming!!”

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