Episode 4

The Big Day

“Next day – Friday no it was our journey day!

My mind was thinking of journeys in films like ‘Chennai Express’ and ‘Jab We Met’, where the strangers meet in trains and they turn it out into romantic ride, but she was no stranger to me then. One good thing I learned in college was punctuality. Train time was 9.40 but I reached 9. I was eagerly awaiting the train in platform no 3! Oh sorry, I was eagerly awaiting her arrival.

Almost 9.15 I got a little hungry even after dinner, so I halted at a tea shop, where the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee invited even the train TTR! I started with a sip of coffee on my lips.

I got a pop up on my phone, ’I am in the station’- she texted.

My heart skipped a beat! My hand automatically went to my hair to adjust it and I ensured that I looked casual with my cup of tea.

I thought she would bring just a simple hand bag, but this is not a movie right! She carried a ‘5 pound’ bag along with one shoulder bag. Hundreds of people were roaming here and there! I spotted her out on a bridge! The train horn blew and my face started to blush.

Usually, small tea shops are famous for random vintage songs and at that time, the radio sang “Tujhe Dekha To” and she was rushing towards me her bag and I saw that she was full of sweat. The song got over. My tea cup got emptied.  She arrived. And the clock touched 9.30. 15 minutes more for departure.

She uttered the first word of that day, which was ‘sorry’. It was a cute apology with a lot of tiredness.

‘Ok it’s time, let’s move’, I took her to the respective compartment. By the way, the song was still playing on my head. 9.45- train started with a jerk ….”

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