Episode 2

Black Coffee

“I completed my Engineering from IIT, Bombay. Bombay was one of the most wonderful cities that I’ve ever been! The sound of the sea breeze wakes me up in the morning. The beach walks, serene sea breeze at night, the spicy Vada Pavs, night out with my friends, everything was so special about Bombay and it still feels like yesterday”, reminisced Karthik.

              “I was an artist, who favoured pencil sketches more than paintings. There was always some unexplainable satisfaction that the mix of black and white gave me, which was far too more satisfactory than colours. I used to participate in art exhibitions all over the city. That is when I got this message from this random girl from St. Xavier’s college informing me about the art exhibition that they are organizing. She said that she got my number from another art event that I participated in. I didn’t even know her name then. We had short whatsappconversations on the event details, though very formal.

              Slowly, she was impressed by my art forms and became my fan. Whenever I paint something new, I used to show her that and she shared it with all her friends who also became my fans. For an introvert like me, all this was very new and appealing. Then came the day of the event. I was accompanied by a few of my friends to the event and I went there and set up my painting. I called her to check if she was there in her college.

              She picked up the call and asked me to come to the café nearby. I didn’t want my friends to know all these and I told them that I was going for a small registration process. I went to the café, and since I had not seen her before, she told me that she would be wearing a black jacket and a pair of blue jeans. I ordered my favourite black coffee and a plate of Vada Pav. As I was drinking my black coffee, I saw her reflection on my spectacle, which was on the table. Yes, there she was, my Renu, in a black leather jacket and a pair of blue Denims. I felt something very different on seeing her, a special feeling, and that’s why I smile at my spectacles whenever I find it on a table. That’s where I first saw Renu, on my spectacles”.

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