Episode 1

The Spectacles

“Karthika, did you see my spectacles?”, uttered Karthik, in a loud manner. “This has become your habit, Karthik Appa. Keeping it somewhere and searching it in another place! Look on the dining table!”, said Karthika.

              Karthik was 70, a tall skinny old man with a simple moustache and has always been beardless. Karthik has been skinny since he was young and has always maintained the same physique.

              When Karthik found the spectacles on the table, he looked at the spectacles for a while in awe. A cute little smile widened his lips and there stood the three kids, Kavin, Tarun and Karthika watching this.

              “Why are you smiling, grandpa?” asked Karthika who was confused on seeing her grandpa smiling at the spectacles. That question brought a lot of memories back into the head of Karthik, whose smile widened more. “I’ll tell you my dear! But it’s a very long story. The story of me and your grandma! Are you ready to listen?”, asked Karthik to his grandchildren! “Yes, we are!”, replied the kids in eagerness.

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