Cooking and Me!

What do you feel when I say you have to cook your own food for a week? If you thought that, “AH! That will be a disaster”, then read this blog and try to answer the same question after that! If you already started planning your menu for the week, then this blog will be relatable to you!

Cooking is an art!

Cooking your own food is like an adventure! There may be many ups and downs and one day, you might get some mouth watering food and on other days, you might have to adjust some awful food with a ‘not so bad’ feeling as you have cooked it. But every time I cook my own food, I learn something new and that satisfaction that “I have made it” is unmatchable.

Pleasure of self cooking is unmatched!

The initial step is to clean your hands with a soap before entering the kitchen. Hygiene is the most important part. Next, get all the ingredients ready, basically chopping the vegetables would be the next step. Vegetable chopping in itself is an art! There are many ways in which you can cut the vegetables, such as Julienne, Baton, Brunoised Dice, etc. The other thing about cutting is the size, in some cases you will need an even cut and in other cases, rough cuts would be enough!

Different varieties of cuts

The next thing, oil. Different varieties of oil gives you different tastes and it is important to use the right oil for the right recipe. Add the vegetables or meat. Cooking them for the right amount of time is very important and that comes with experience. With experience you will be able to figure out the cooking time by just looking at it, or in some cases sound and smell might also help to know if the food has cooked. Overcooked and undercooked food may turn out disastrous! Another important aspect is the salt! You will know the right amount of salt by experience!

Cooking time – A very Important factor

Finally, when your dish is completely ready, the feeling when you give the final toss of the pan with the aroma….Ah!, that is some unmatched pleasure! Why are you still waiting, go to YouTube, search for your favorite recipe, take a pan, add all the ingredients, start tossing them up and enjoy the pleasure of cooking! Even if you don’t know how to cook, start off by making a simple sandwich! Once you start cooking, you will be influenced further and automatically get into cooking! Share your cooking experiences in the comments section at the bottom of the page!

Cooking is an emotion!

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