Origin of caste system in India

What is the Caste system and how does it work?

The word ‘caste’ derived from the Spanish and Portuguese ‘casta’, means ‘race, lineage, or breed’. The word ‘Jati’ originates from the root word ‘Jana’ which implies taking birth. And later ‘caste’ replaced it. The Sanskrit word for caste is ‘varna’ which means colour.

Not only hindu religions have caste systems. Many religions out there have caste systems though. They use it as a tool to control others and to show supremacy.  This is what goes against humanity. We cannot admit that the caste system is an older idea and nowadays no one follows it. Those who think in that way, see your own society. Somehow caste will be related to their life in any way. Still honour killing in the name of love and riots are made in the name of caste and religions. No dalits were allowed to enter the temple, school, colleges, public offices etc. Womens were treated like hell. Their conditions were even more miserable at that time. Where did the equality go then? 

What does our constitution say?

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and Rettaimalai Srinivasan were one of those people who gained education and fought against it. They were the greatest scholars at that period of time. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar had many qualifications including Barrister in law but even though he was not treated with respect and dignity. That’s how the caste system works. He was the one who fought hard for workers and brought workers act to limit the working hours to 8 hrs/day and initiated today’s OBC reservation. Still the peoples to whom he fought for consider him as Dalit leader. Another great person was Periyar, because of him people of Tamizh Nadu don’t have their caste names as surnames. Even though he was born in high class, he fought for the lower class people who suffered. He was the main reason for women empowerment in the South and the caste system didn’t develop as like in the North. The saddest part is that people label them under the caste leaders category. They were national leaders who wanted everyone to be treated equally with dignity. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was the one who was the head of the drafting committee of the Constitution of India. It  mentioned the below article which comes under fundamental rights of part III.

  • Article 14 – Equality before law
  • Article 15 – prohibition of discrimination
  • Article 17 – Abolition of untouchability (Protection of civil rights act 1976)
  • Article 19 – Right to freedom

Ancient myths

Caste system prevalent during the Vedic period was mainly based on division of labour and occupation. Latter on  because of this system many people suffered untouchability, discrimination and slavery. They were mentally ill-treated and kept them as slaves for years.

People with lack of knowledge about the caste system were involved in riots and criminal stuff like honour killing and murders. They were misguided by some people who were obsessed with caste. Politics run through this way. It is a great sorrow that mostly youngsters and even young children were involved in this kind of activity. They were filled with poisonous thoughts and their own caste supremacy. How does equality live here?

As per the traditional myth, the caste system is of divine origin. It’s been said that the caste system is an extension of the varna system which has 4 varnas. And those 4 varnas originated from the body of Brahma. And Purusha Sukta of Rigveda, Manusmriti were written to support their stand. But scientifically, childrens are born from mothers womb. Who said these?

  • At the top of the hierarchy were the Brahmins who were mainly teachers and intellectuals and came from Brahma’s head. 
  • Kshatriyas, or the warriors and rulers, came from his arms. 
  • Vaishyas, or the traders, were created from his thighs. 
  • At the bottom were the Shudras, who came from Brahma’s feet and so the duty of the Shudras is to serve all the others. And they were not treated with dignity and equally. They were kept as slaves for hundreds of years.

Hieun Tsang, a chinese traveler who visited India during Maurya period has mentioned that Brahminism dominated the country, caste ruled the social structure and the persons following unclean occupations like butchers, scavengers had to live outside the city. 

Ill effects of Caste system:


Many villages are separated by caste and they may not cross the line dividing them from the higher castes. They also may not use the same wells or drink in the same tea stalls as higher castes and they were not allowed to walk on streets while higher caste people walk there.


They often do not have the facility to electricity, sanitation facilities, or water pumps in lower caste neighborhoods. Access to better education, housing and medical facilities than that of the higher castes is denied. 

Division of labour

They are restricted to certain occupations like sanitation work, plantation work, leather works, cleaning streets, and some slavery works. They were not allowed to get educated, so they could get knowledge and get dignified jobs.


They are subjected to exploitation in the name of debt, tradition, etc., to work as labourers or perform menial tasks for generations together. They weren’t given land for agriculture and other facilities.

Cure to caste system:

Caste system cannot be abolished all of a sudden. Some think that tearing the community certificate caste system can be abolished and they don’t know that it’s impossible. It looks filmy right! The system doesn’t work that way. Only way to get rid of this is by treating others equally, inter-caste marriages and reservation. 

Yes! Reservation is the medicine to this. Many will think how reservation can be a medicine. A separate topic about caste based reservation will be posted shortly. People have been misguided about the reservation system. They don’t know about the reservation system. They could see only the bad shades of this system.

Disclaimer: Our intentions are not against any kind of people or belief, it is our point of view on society. If there are any comments on this, do share with us. We would like to hear.

    One life so spread humanity and treat everyone equally!

Stop showing supremacy!

Think about it ! 

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