Does god really exist!

It’s been a debatable topic all over these centuries. We all have many questions about the existence of god. Many theories were there about the existence of god. There are some questions

Who created “us” ?

Many people say that God created the earth, humans and other living organisms. But Science has theories about the creation of the world like the big bang theory, pulsating theory and steady state theory. So there is no proof that God created us. Science theories available that may be the creation of “us”. If God created us, why would God create dinosaurs and animals before humans? God would have first created humans. If God created humans, why would God create chimpanzees and orangutans and make humans evolve from them. We all know Darwin’s ‘Origin of species’. It elaborates the facts of evolution and the theory of natural selection. And we might have heard of survival of the fittest. In that way, humans evolved. Ancient Greek, Egyptians and Sumerians created the idea of God and worship. There begins the problem.

Who is God ?

Humans created God and made that as a tool to create religion, caste and sub-caste. What exists is Godliness, it is like a stage where you reach utmost peace and happiness when you see, hear and feel something. OSHO said that God doesn’t exist, only godliness exists. Godliness is something – when you visit a place you wanted to visit for years or when you see your child and take her in your arms during her Birth, when you help a needy orphan and the orphan’s eyes filled with tears with a smile on face or whatever gives a happy and relaxed feeling is Godliness. People with fear and one who feels unsupported or insecure created the idea of God. They needed a pillar of hope for them. And some use Gods in a bad way like superiority and loot them by infiltrating religious belief. They create shapes and forms. No one knows that god appeared before humans and helped them during suffering. It’s all imagination and creative stories of theirs.  Has anyone seen God ?

Who created God ?

What factors separate humans from being together ?  Did anyone think of it ? Think about it. Initially peoples separated based on the Religion,Race and Language, they preach or follow. It separates people from being together. In most of the places, it leads to violence. God has been used as a tool to show superiority over other religions. In some situations, God is used to differentiate peoples into different religions, caste and sub caste. Castes and sub castes were meant to show superiority among a religious group and to loot people’s belief by giving false hope. Does God tell us to treat others inferiorly and not give equal respect in society or treat them as slaves ? Then who created this unequal society ?

What would’ve happened if God really existed ?

    There will be no war and peace would be maintained all around the world. No God would tell people to start wars and kill innocent people. No one would have worries. Because God would relieve them of their worries. There would be no crimes like Robbery, Murder, Rape, Harassment etc. Everyone will be treated equally and with equal respect and there would be no superiority on any basis. Some people do all the crime. At last they would go for holy places or confess them and clear all their crimes like clearing their browsing history. This won’t happen if God were there. No one would have died unfortunately like coronavirus or any other reason. Everyone will be leading a peaceful and happier life without worrying about issues because God would solve whatever problems by petitioning God to help them. Don’t trust or follow them if anyone says he’s the God’s human form or rebirth or God’s messenger. He’s trying to loot or has some gain because of you. Question them!

Treat your Mother and Father as gods, who cares for you.

There are many other questions, we will look at in another part.

Disclaimer: We are not against any kind of people or belief , it is our point of view on society. If it hurts, kindly share with us in the comments. 

    One life so spread humanity and treat everyone equally !

Think about it ! 

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