The woman at the corner house!

One rainy evening, she was born and as soon as they saw a girl child, people started advising, “Oh, it’s a girl! She’ll increase your burden, better kill her now”. But her father was a diplomatic man and believed that she was an angel!

When she was two, she saw Armstrong and wanted to be an astronaut! But again people said, “that’s not where a woman is going to find herself! “. This time, not much her father could do as her own mother was against her decision. Eventually, she became a teacher and was married to a caring man!

They did not have a child for long due to medical issues with her husband! People again began talking behind her ears that she was the reason! She did not care and sacrifised things for her husband! Finally, she gave birth to a baby girl, an angel, just like her!

She gave all her love for her young little girl and her caring husband! Not even a minute she thought about herself! The little girl grew big, became an astronaut and was on her trip to the moon!

She was watching her little girl on TV and as soon as she stepped on the moon, she took her mother’s photo out and kept it close to her heart!

That was the moment of her life, the moment where she replied all those critics that her life had a meaning! She had tears around her eyes and her lips were smiling! But her heart stopped pumping. At the happiest moment of her life, she finally decided to take a break for herself after running so many years for other people!

A million salutes to all the women out there! Women are everywhere today! They are doctors, engineers, pilots, police, cricketers, drivers, vendors, teachers, etc, etc! The earth owes you all a lot! Thank you for being there, for all of us on the earth! Happy women’s day!

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